
Sunday, August 9, 2009

High Maintenence

Yep, no other way to describe this big, lumbering, long-eared, slobbering, baying hound dog.

He is a perpetual toddler who, when ignored, will do anything and everything to get your attention. Ever seen a dog push out a chair to use it to get up on a table? What about a dog with a blue foot because he just demolished a marker? Foaming at the mouth because the toad didn't want to play? Pulling on the electrical cord to the laptop to yank it off your lap? Throwing slobber in every direction possible with one shake of the head? Reaching up on the counter to see what is for dinner? Running and hiding under the bed with the bar of soap he just grabbed out of the shower because you wouldn't let him in? Trying to answer the cell phone for you, even though he is all teeth and paws? Running through the yard sprinklers barking at the top of his lungs then running full force to try to give a big hug to the closest human? Chasing the fly that snuck in the house, but only managing to run into every unmovable object?

Go, Go, Go with energy abound then wham.... nap time, just like that.

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